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PCR Negative within 72hrs for Public Venues and Transport

上海外事公众号Updated :2022-05-29

Shanghai will adjust and optimize requirements for PCR testing frequency. Starting from 0:00 of Jun. 1, negative result of PCR test taken within 72 hours is required to access public venues or board public transport.

According to the Office of Shanghai Municipal Leading Group on Preventing and Controlling COVID-19, the city is at the critical point of shifting to normalized disease containment as it is making steady progress in combating COVID-19. To promote the socio-economic development amid disease prevention and control in a coordinated manner and recover the normal production and life to the full extent, the PCR testing intervals are adjusted and optimized as follows:

I. Starting from 00:00 on June 1, people entering public venues with clear disease prevention requirements or taking public transport are required to present their negative result of PCR tests taken within 72 hours.

II. Those departing from Shanghai should still produce the negative report of PCR tests taken within 48 hours as well as negative proof of antigen tests done within 24 hours (Those producing negative result of PCR tests completed within 24 hours are exempted from submitting the proof of antigen tests). The inbound travelers to Shanghai should provide negative result of PCR tests done within 48 hours.

III. The individuals that should take PCR tests as per requirements of the country and the city are those working in the industries or on the posts in need of regular PCR tests such as for airports, sea port, medical institutions, centralized quarantine facilities or cold chain logistics, or the individuals in movement such as deliverymen, couriers and those working for city support functions.

IV. The above measures will be adjusted dynamically on the basis of disease containment in the follow-up stage. 中文来源:上海发布Translated from the text of Shanghai Fabu (Original text in Chinese prevails in case of discrepancies)